URL: <deconstructing-infowar.info>
K. A. Taipale, "Deconstructing Information Warfare," Presentation to the Committee on Policy Consequences and Legal/Ethical Implications of Offensive Information Warfare of The National Academies, Wash., DC (Oct. 30, 2006) available at http://deconstructing-infowar.info/.
DOWNLOAD: [presentation slides] (296 KB PDF)
Presented as part of the Global Information Society Project Program on Information and Warfare
K. A. Taipale, Seeking Symmetry on the Information Front: Confronting Global Jihad on the Internet, Nat'l Strategy F. Rev., Vol. XVI (Summer 2007).
K. A. Taipale, Seeking Symmetry in Fourth Generation Warfare: Information Operations in the War of Ideas, in Challenges in the Struggle Against Violent Extremism: Winning the War of Ideas (INSCT-Bantle, forthcoming 2008).
[See related presentation: "Seeking Symmetry in Fourth Generation Warfare: Information Operations in the War of Ideas," March 29-30, 2006. [presentation slides] (415 KB PDF)]
K. A. Taipale, "Information as Warfare: Disrupting Terrorist Networks" presented at the Yale Information Society Project, "Global Flow of Information" Conference, Yale Law School (Apr. 1-3, 2005). [abstract]
Other publications.
See also Johannis Kuhn, "In Cyberwar There Are No Rules," interview with Kim Taipale in Sueddeutsche Zeitung (Sept. 20, 2007).
National Security Act of 1947 (as amended)
National Security Council Documents:
National Strategy for Combating Terrorism (2006)
National Security Strategy of the United States (2006)
9/11 Five Years Later: Successes and Challenges (2006)
National Security Council Documents:
National Strategy for Combating Terrorism (2006)
National Security Strategy of the United States (2006)
9/11 Five Years Later: Successes and Challenges (2006)
US Department of Defense Documents:
Information Operations Roadmap (DOD 2003) (HTML) Information Operations (JP 3-13 2006) (JEL)
Joint Doctrine for Electronic Warfare (JP 3-51.1) (2007)
Joint Doctrine for PSYOPS (JP 3-53 2003) (JEL)
Joint Doctrine for Public Affairs (JP 3-61 2005) (JEL)
Joint Doctrine for Civil Affairs (JP 3-57.1 2003) (JEL)
Joint Doctrine for Military Deception (JP 3-13.4) (2006)
Quadrennial Defense Review (2006) (QDR)
DoD S-3600.1, Information Operations (IO) (1996)
DoD 5240.1-R, Procedures Governing the Activities of DOD Intelligence Components that Affect United
States Persons (1982)
DoD 8500.1, Information Assurance (2002)
DoD O-8530.1, Computer Network Defense (CND) (2001)
CJCS 3210.01A, Joint Information Operations Policy (1998)
CJCS 6510.01D, Information Assurance (IA) and Computer Network Defense (CND) (2004)
USAF Policy Doc. 10-7 Information Operations (2006)
POTUS Directives:
Executive Order 12,333
NSDD 77 Public Diplomacy (1983)
PDD 68 International Public Information (1999) (C)
NSPD 16 Guidelines for Offensive Cyber-Warfare (2002) (C)
Background Reading:
Winn Schwartau, INFORMATION WARFARE (1996) (ISBN:1560251328).
Dorothy Denning, INFORMATION WARFARE AND SECURITY (Addison-Wesley 1998) (ISBN:0201433036).
John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt, NETWORKS AND NETWARS: The Future of Terror, Crime, and Militancy (RAND 2001) (ISBN:0833030302).
Gregory J. Rattray, STRATEGIC WARFARE IN CYBERSPACE (MIT Press 2001) (ISBN:0262182092).
Leigh Armistead, INFORMATION OPERATIONS (Jt. Forces Staff College and the NSA 2004) (ISBN:1574886991).
U.S. Air Force
Cyberspace and Information Operations Study Center:
IO Research and Theory
IWS - The Information Warfare Site
The Information Warfare Monitor
Information Warfare, I-War, IW, C4I, Cyberwar
Federation of American Scientists - IW Resources
The Center for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology Policy ("CAS") is a private, non-partisan research and advisory organization focused on information, technology and national security policy and related issues.
The Center seeks to inform and influence national and international policy- and decision-makers in both the public and private sectors by providing sound, objective analysis and advice, in particular by identifying and articulating issues that lie at the intersection of technologically enabled change and existing practice in policy, law, government, and industry.
In addition to its independent research activities and public engagements, the Center provides select advisory services to policy-makers in government and decision-makers in the private sector.
CAS Areas of Focus:
Information Policy: Global, national and domestic security policy, civil liberties (including privacy), cybersecurity and computer crime, telecommunications and spectrum, intellectual property, innovation and antitrust, internet and free speech. Information policy and free trade, globalization and global security, international jurisdiction, internet governance. Information management, institutional and organizational architecture, and business process engineering.
Enabling Technologies: Data aggregation, data integration, data fusion, data analysis, data mining, artificial intelligence, decision support, distributed networks, enterprise architecture, distributed computing, wireless communication, remote sensing, identification, authentication, network and computer security, biometrics, cryptography, rule-based processing, digital rights management, knowledge management.
Security Applications: Foreign intelligence, defense intelligence, counter-intelligence (CI), domestic intelligence, law enforcement, counter-terrorism, counter-insurgency, regulatory compliance, corporate and enterprise security, corporate intelligence, competitive intelligence, systems security, cybersecurity, information security, communication security, information assurance (IA), information warfare (IW), perception management, strategic influence, information operations (IO), psychological operations (PSYOPS), military deception, operations security (OPSEC), electronic warfare (EW), computer network operations (CNO), computer network attack (CNA), computer network defense (CND), netcentric strategy, environmental monitoring, international relations and global security.
Related Areas of Research Interest: Technology innovation and adoption, social change, knowledge-creation, deciscion-making, risk-analysis, risk-management, conflict resolution, deviation analysis, pedagogy, communications, media analysis, information economics, control theory, network theory, emergence, complexity, history of technology, and cultural history.
CAS Research Programs:
Global Information Society Project, a joint research effort of the Center and the World Policy Institute.
Program on Law Enforcement and National Security in the Information Age
Program on Information Warfare (Information Operations, Information Assurance and Operational Resilience). This Program seeks to examine offensive and defensive aspects of information operations by state and non-state actors to achieve political goals through non-political means, including computer network operations (CNO), network attack (CNA), network defence (CND), network exploitation (CNE), psychological operations (PSYOPS), perception management, media manipulation, and propaganda, among others.
Program on Telecommunications and Spectrum Policy
Program on Environment and Energy Policy
Program on Intellectual Property and Trade
Other research programs